Arbeitsplatz Flusskreuzfahrt selbst entdecken – 15.06.23 an Bord von A-ROSA in Bratislava/ Slowakei (Networking | Bratislava)

A-ROSA ist die führende, deutschsprachige Flusskreuzfahrtgesellschaft in Europa. Mit 13 Reederei eigenen, modernen Flusskreuzfahrtschiffen bietet A-ROSA die entspannte Art der Städtereisen auf den Flüssen Donau, Rhein, Main, Seine, Saone und Rhone an.Die Crew an Bord bekommt beste Arbeitskonditionen geboten, interne Trainings ermöglichen die berufliche Weiterentwicklung und Transfers innerhalb der Flotte sind stets möglich. Am 15.06.2023 […]

Open Day aboard a river cruise ship of Viking Cruises (Networking | Bratislava)

Explore the World of Viking Cruises and come with us on board a Viking Longship in port of Bratislava on 09th February 2023! This is a special event for all crew, interested to start your career with Viking in the hotel and catering sector, to come on board and discover your potential future working place […]

Open Day with River Advice aboard a river cruise ship in Bratislava (Networking | Bratislava)

Join us aboard a luxurious river cruise ship of River Advice and explore the career opportunities provided on board. On 8th February 2023 you are kindly invited to join us for an open day in port of Bratislava. River Advice is leading management company for river cruise ships in Europe. With a fleet of 100 […]

Personal Interviews with Viking Cruises (Networking | Bratislava)

Viking Cruises is the world’s leading river cruise line with a fleet of 80 state of art and award winning river cruise ships. As the leading river cruise line by far Viking is offering unique itineraries throughout Europe sailing the rivers Rhine, Main, Danube, Saone, Rhone, Seine, Garonne, Elbe, Douro and even Volga and Dnepr.Depending […]